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Ağustos, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How to Deploy a Docker Image on Heroku?

This is an even easier process than you know. Frankly, I was intimidated when I first started because it's hard to find resources on this subject. So, without wasting any time let's get started: first thing you need to do is download heroku-cli from website After the installation process is finished, you can check whether it is installed by typing heroku in the terminal. Then we have to type:  heroku login  to login heroku habitat. Then, let's proceed from the terminal to the folder where the Dockerfile is installed in our application and then type  heroku container:login  into the terminal. Our next command will be  heroku create . After this step, heroku will create a service environment and give it a random name. You can find it in the area written in lilac color in the image below. Name given to my service: guarded-wildwood-42932 We push the container to the service with the  heroku container:push web --app guarded-wild